Sunday 9 January 2011

Teaser Trailer - Planning

Prior to the coursework research. Layla and I conjured up a vague idea of what we wanted our trailer to be. We wanted to do a teaser trailer based around an idea about a young attractive girl who is addicted to killing her sexual partners. We would have gathered inspirations from films such as Teeth (2007) and Jennifer's Body (2009).
2007 film starring Jess Weixler
an Directed by Mitchell Lichtenstein
2009 film starring Megan Fox
and Amanda Seyfried

Why did we scrap this idea? We agreed that this idea was a little bit too complex to film at an amateur level.   We wouldn't be able to film it without it looking like we attempted to make a soft adult film. We wanted our teaser trailer to fall into the psychological horror genre. So, at this point we started brainstorming what we would like our film to include:
  • A leading lady
  • Symmetrical sets
  • A helpless male character
We used our focus films, The Shining (1980) and The Strangers (2008), to influence our teaser trailer idea.

And After a drilling session of brainstorming and planning, we came up with our final idea; the one that we would run with...

The film is based on a young woman who is an artist. She finds her comfort and fulfillment in doing still-life paintings of men. Somehow, these men always happen to find her irresistible. And somehow, she always finds a way of killing them.

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