Friday 14 January 2011

Making The Poster

The film poster is part of the advertisement strategy used in a film campaign. It is visually eye-catching and grabs a viewers attention whilst they are going about their daily business; which is a way of mass exposure of a film.

The idea behind our horror film poster is one that will appeal to a viewer who is interested in more 'out of the box' horror convention. Our idea will have to somehow integrate the canvas, the paint and the red lipstick. Taking this into account, we went ahead with shooting the pictures for the photograph. These are a select few of the best ones.

Through process of elimination., we finally chose our favourite photo to work with.

What can we do with it? Well, I would like to play around with the colour channels and the luminance so that the painter seems more 'unlife-like'. So once I had taken this image on to Photoshop and played around with it, this was the end result.

What I like about this poster is that it looks intense. I used the burning tool to define her jawline and her eyebrow bone. I used the dodge tool to make her lips look more glossy and deeper in colour. I used the sponge tool to desaturate her skin colour in most areas. I used an overlaying blending option to give texture to the canvas.

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